Monday, January 4, 2010

Kearney trip

Well it as I thought. Dad didn't buy the bale processor! But we did get the bunny! I will put a picture out soon. Dad did not buy it and I don't blame him. He saw it going down the road on the way there and said that it was junk. Oh well. The trip wasin't all wasted. We stoped at Walmart. The big black hole of doom. We got a lot of food and stuff that mom or dad would think was cool. I love the after chrismas sales. I don't buy much because I think I have all that I need. But some times I do buy somethings but not often. The trip was not bad is what I'm saying.

The milk cow Midnight is giving us so much cream right now that we are making butter. It is fun to make the butter but very hard on the hands. You have to turn it around and around and around! The winter is so hard on us all but harder on the animals. It is hard for them but they are strong. Soon it will be Spring and then they will all start having there babys. We still have a lot of snow on the ground and I think we will for a while. It is already late. We just got home and had to do all the chorses in the dark and that has made me tired. I think I will go to bed. Her is a picture of  Midnight the cow that we are now milking.


  1. we tried making butter did not work out.

  2. Can't you just put the cream in the food processor and make butter that way?

  3. Yes, you can, Cassie -- but then the kids don't get the fun of turning the crank on the hand churn! ;)

    I love your avatar picture with Grandma.

  4. Wow....sounds like your Dad is a person who know's what's going on.
