I am so sorry that I haven't posted anything in a long time! My family has almost run out of Band With. I am sure I spelled that wrong. I haven't been able to get on the computer for 3 days! I wonder how the cave men made it with out computers. I don't need to use the computers everyday or even every week. Its just nice to go look up something or check my email. So know that I am on the computer let me tell you all that as been going on around here.
Mess Around Ranch. That is what the name of our farm is and for good reason too! We just got two St. Bernard puppys! Not one but two! What is the matter with us! We were only going to get one but one puppy leads to another. The one was so sad to leave the other. So now we have four dogs on our farm. Can you belive it? When dad told mom that we got two she didn't belive him! At first she thought it was a joke. They are so cute! You got to love a St. Bernard!
Today me and my brother Josiah went with dad to town to go get parts for the deck. A few years back we went to Taekwondo and came home to see that the roof came in! Dad is fixing it right now! In town we got to buy some cool multi tools. I think we will use them a lot.
Elijah just came in and he says he has had all he can take with Josiah's goats! I have had all I can take too! They are still out roaming free! They got out of the goat pen when we got all the snow. They were able to just climb over the gate! In one month they will have goat babys! We will also have sheep! That's the cool thing about my sheep at lambing time. They can have twins and triplets! We will have a lot! We will have to get rid of quite a few of them I bet. I have a number of sheep that I can keep. I will pass the line. We will eat them or sell them. Or trade them. My ram died a while back. I haven't found a new one yet. There are good things about my sheep and there are some really bad thing about my sheep. One of the really bad things about my sheep is when they stick there head through the fence is their horns get their heads stuck and they can't get out! I lost a sheep that way. She had a big crooked horn and she stuck it in the fence, triped and couldn't get back up. Some of them can't get their heads stuck because of their horns.
Its time to do chores and stuff. Me and Josiah have been milking the cow for the last five days, mom has been feeling sick. So we have been helping her out. I am going to end this post with a pitcure of the puppys. By the way, the puppys names are Lucy and Susan. Here they are! They are so cute!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
We just got back from church. We don't really go to Saturday night church a lot. But since we dad won't be here tomorrow morning we all went as a family. I alter served again. I didn't mean to but nobody eles was there. I like alter serving.. It makes the mass go fast! I also will like not having to wake up early tomorrow to go to church. I will be able to sleep in. But I have to milk to cow. It's Josiah's cow but sometimes he gets a break. I hope he enjoys his break!
I am good at my guitar now. Its like I wake up and bam! I am good. I can play a few songs... A lot of songs! All by ear. No book! I wish dad would get his guitar out and play with me. I know he is busy and all, but it would be nice to have 20 minutes or so. If not, that's fine. Its just fun to spend some father son time. Dad took us bowling yesturday and we had a blast! I haven't been bowling in a long time! I got the first strike of the night! But the one thing that was a little annoying, a lot annoying was this little kid that was there. The bowling place was owned by a family business that had a little two year old who kept coming over to our table and drinking out drinks and eating our food! That food was not cheap! They need to control her a little better or they won't have such good business. We had fun. Which is a good thing.
I think I know what I want for my birth day. An iPod. I woke up this morning feeling like there wasn't a thing in the world I didn't want or need. Its all uncle Quints fault. We were talking on Skype and he showed off his really cool iPod. It had everything! I want one just like it! I can't wait for my birth day. Then I can get a iPod, and a Facebook. Really I just want my mom and dad to let me buy a iPod with my own money.
I got to go and find something that I guess I lost. I think this is a long enough post. I hope so. It beats having to do a writing page of school work. Also I am tired and I want to play a little more guitar before bed. Talk to you all later! Good night!
I am good at my guitar now. Its like I wake up and bam! I am good. I can play a few songs... A lot of songs! All by ear. No book! I wish dad would get his guitar out and play with me. I know he is busy and all, but it would be nice to have 20 minutes or so. If not, that's fine. Its just fun to spend some father son time. Dad took us bowling yesturday and we had a blast! I haven't been bowling in a long time! I got the first strike of the night! But the one thing that was a little annoying, a lot annoying was this little kid that was there. The bowling place was owned by a family business that had a little two year old who kept coming over to our table and drinking out drinks and eating our food! That food was not cheap! They need to control her a little better or they won't have such good business. We had fun. Which is a good thing.
I think I know what I want for my birth day. An iPod. I woke up this morning feeling like there wasn't a thing in the world I didn't want or need. Its all uncle Quints fault. We were talking on Skype and he showed off his really cool iPod. It had everything! I want one just like it! I can't wait for my birth day. Then I can get a iPod, and a Facebook. Really I just want my mom and dad to let me buy a iPod with my own money.
I got to go and find something that I guess I lost. I think this is a long enough post. I hope so. It beats having to do a writing page of school work. Also I am tired and I want to play a little more guitar before bed. Talk to you all later! Good night!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sorry, moms computer broke.
I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a long time! My moms computer broke down and she has been using the netbook. I haven't gotten the chance to get online. I am not sure why moms computer broke. Mom thinks that it is because of this game we have been playing. I don't think so. Dad has been able to start the computer but sadly, all of the pictures and old emails on the computer are gone. Dad was able to fix it. He worked on it for many hours. Luckly dad has a job that has him working on computers so he kind of knew what he was doing. 9 out of 10 dads would of gave and and never of fixed it. But not my dad! He kept trying until he got it right!
Later dad is taking us bowling! He was going to do that when mom was in South Dakota with the little ones but mom didn't go because the weather was too bad. Dad is taking us anyway. Hopfully we will be able to sneak away with out the little ones seeing us. I think we are going soon so I should go get ready. We have some other stuff to do in town. We are going to stop and get Pirates Of The word I can't spell. Pirates Of The Caribbean. I had my cousin spell it for me. I am so into the computer game that I want to see the movie. So does everybody eles. I got to go and get it. I also have some books I need to turn in. We don't really rent movies but this is one of those times and one of those movies. Time to go! Bye. I hope I will be able to blog more and not be gone so long. Bye.
Later dad is taking us bowling! He was going to do that when mom was in South Dakota with the little ones but mom didn't go because the weather was too bad. Dad is taking us anyway. Hopfully we will be able to sneak away with out the little ones seeing us. I think we are going soon so I should go get ready. We have some other stuff to do in town. We are going to stop and get Pirates Of The word I can't spell. Pirates Of The Caribbean. I had my cousin spell it for me. I am so into the computer game that I want to see the movie. So does everybody eles. I got to go and get it. I also have some books I need to turn in. We don't really rent movies but this is one of those times and one of those movies. Time to go! Bye. I hope I will be able to blog more and not be gone so long. Bye.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Well, I am back from my trip and I had a lot of fun! Josiah and Elijah were able to do all my chores! I am having a moment or two from mom to blog and check my email and stuff.
Later today we are going to town to get my little brother Matthais a big boy bed. He wants to be just like is big brothers! He wants to sleep in a big boy bed! He even wants to go out and do chores with us! He is very funny! He also likes Keith Urban just like me! I will let him use my MP3 player.
Last night we went to the new Subway they have in Fullerton. It was ok I guess. I had a foot long. But they didn't put very much food on it. There was more bread then anything! They must have orders from there boss not to put to much on. Oh well. It was ok. Subway is a good place to eat at!
This week end mom is leaving to go see grandpa and is leaving us with dad! Dad is going to take us swiming or bowling or maybe ice skating! Dad likes to take us places. I still need to find somebody to go to the movies with me. I got three. Maybe dad will take me.
I think I should go find out when we are going to town. I just hope we get back before dark! I hate doing chores in the dark! That is how the black bunnys keep getting out! We can't see anything! I also think I have more school to do. Dad is switching his work days this week. So he is only home for two days! Then he will be gone again. I wish his job was closer! Oh well. I need to go Google something. My time is almost up.
Later today we are going to town to get my little brother Matthais a big boy bed. He wants to be just like is big brothers! He wants to sleep in a big boy bed! He even wants to go out and do chores with us! He is very funny! He also likes Keith Urban just like me! I will let him use my MP3 player.
Last night we went to the new Subway they have in Fullerton. It was ok I guess. I had a foot long. But they didn't put very much food on it. There was more bread then anything! They must have orders from there boss not to put to much on. Oh well. It was ok. Subway is a good place to eat at!
This week end mom is leaving to go see grandpa and is leaving us with dad! Dad is going to take us swiming or bowling or maybe ice skating! Dad likes to take us places. I still need to find somebody to go to the movies with me. I got three. Maybe dad will take me.
I think I should go find out when we are going to town. I just hope we get back before dark! I hate doing chores in the dark! That is how the black bunnys keep getting out! We can't see anything! I also think I have more school to do. Dad is switching his work days this week. So he is only home for two days! Then he will be gone again. I wish his job was closer! Oh well. I need to go Google something. My time is almost up.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Week end field trip is here.
Today I get to go away from home for the night and most of Saturday with my friend. I think I will have fun. I will be back late Saturday night so I will not be able to blog until then. My friend isn't Catholic like me, which is fine. But I will miss Josiah serve for the first time. And then I will have to go to church Sunday. My CCD teacher is giving us movie tickets if we never miss church this year. I already have three! I am in high school CCD this year. This year I have a guy teaching my class. I think he is a better teacher then anyone else that ever taught me.
Josiah and Elijah will have to do all my chores when I'm gone. I think they can do it. I will only be gone for one night which is no big deal. Last year I went up to my grandma and grandpa's house for about a week! They were able to do it then. But I have a lot more animals then I did then!
I am just blogging now so I don't have to worry about it later. I just woke up and I have to do chores and eat. I will let you know how it was. I leave at 4:00. Then I have to help watch his siblings. His parents are going to a party. After that we go for a short ride to sleep over at a Pastor's house. Then we go to the park Saturday. It is going to be a long drive there and then back. I will let you know how it was when I get back.
Josiah and Elijah will have to do all my chores when I'm gone. I think they can do it. I will only be gone for one night which is no big deal. Last year I went up to my grandma and grandpa's house for about a week! They were able to do it then. But I have a lot more animals then I did then!
I am just blogging now so I don't have to worry about it later. I just woke up and I have to do chores and eat. I will let you know how it was. I leave at 4:00. Then I have to help watch his siblings. His parents are going to a party. After that we go for a short ride to sleep over at a Pastor's house. Then we go to the park Saturday. It is going to be a long drive there and then back. I will let you know how it was when I get back.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I'm free! My three day sentence is over! I got in trouble a few days back and I lost computer games for 3 days witch is not so bad. It is not bad at all! I just started playing on pirates online. I like the game a lot! Mom is liking this because I have been waking up really early in the morning and doing all my chorses and getting all my school work done so that we can play. The game is so hard! Ever key on the key board means something! Me, and my two brothers have to share some of the keys! We work togerher to play the game. I am not that much of a gamer though. I would much rather play outside with the animals!
Soon we will have baby sheep and baby goats! I am happy for them! They will lamb and kid in March! I will post lots of pictures! The weather has been really nice for them!
Sorry! My little brother needs me and mom is out milking! I have to go! I am in charge of the little ones when mom is out milking. So sorry.
Soon we will have baby sheep and baby goats! I am happy for them! They will lamb and kid in March! I will post lots of pictures! The weather has been really nice for them!
Sorry! My little brother needs me and mom is out milking! I have to go! I am in charge of the little ones when mom is out milking. So sorry.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Up coming week end.
This week end I am going on a small trip with one of my friends in Ceder Rapids. I will be gone from home over night and all day saturday. That means I will be able to miss some of the chores! We are going to some camping park by lincoin NE.We are going to Mahoney park. I think it will be fun. Today dad is going to build a work bench in our room. I share a room with two of my younger brothers. Josiah and Elijah. We all have our own twin beds. We also have a TV in our room! But we don't really use it that much. I am sad to say that this morning one of our bunnys got out again. This time it was Sheperd. The black rabbits are so hard to see in the dark! The last rabbit that got out I posted about. It was also black. But we found her alive. This one wasin't so lucky. The black rabbits are so hard to see in the dark! We will have to look more carfully next time. But I won't let there be a next time! I think we might run to town later today. I am not yet sure though. Things around here can change really quickly! We need to get some more rabbit food. We just ran out this morning. It is really starting to get warm again. Yesterday dad rode the horse. He says he will do it again today. I think I might want to ride too! Yesterday we cleaned above the microwave. It has been months sence the last time we cleaned it out! It is fun because of all the cool things you can find! Josiah and Elijah found a two radios and a mp3 player! I can not even start to list all the stuff we found. So I won't. I will just say we found a lot of cool stuff! Last night we were in our room. Instead of sleeping we were listening to our mp3 players! But we didn't listen to long. Today I have CCD again! It has been so long! Today Josiah is going to learn to be a alter server. He serves this saturday! Well, dad is back in the house and I think we are going to build out bench! We were going to do it months before but it didn't happen. I am going to go help him out. I also have to watch the door so that the little ones don't go into our room. Our lock broke. But I made a new one out of a screw, a 9 volt battery some black tape, some string, and a hair pin! The brothers think that we have a better lock then before! Dad is ready! Got to go. Hope you liked reading this post!
Monday, January 11, 2010
I'm sorry that I made this post so slopy! I would fix it if I had the time.
I will be a slop. Went to see the nice old people today. The buiding flooded. Didn't know what to talk about. They couldn't hear us so what is the point? Lost all computer games. Had to eat the same food for lunch that I had for dinner last night. I am a bad speller we all know. I have to think of something to post or I will have to do writing in school work. I don't know what to post that is Ok. I am out of videos. Mom just turned on her music God help me! Well, I guess this is a post. I don't know. The sheep are the same. Can't wait for them to lamb. When I post this out mom will go and see it and say I did a slopy job or I didn't spell very well. Sorry mom. I don't know what to post about. Nothing happens in winter! In the summer time my blog would be so full! Oh well. I think this is a post. It isin't a very good one. I lost my computer games cause of two words. You stink. I wrote them down on a block. I didn't get to finish! Lilli took it from me and showed it to mom! That is how it happend! I didn't finish! I don't think anyone will belive me but I will say it. I was going to say, You stink Noah, take a shower! Honest! Mom is going to read this. I don't know what she will say. She won't belive me anyway. Sorry I was a slop. Sorry that I can't spell! Sorry. And so ends the day of No Title. Good bye. I really do need a shower! The old people are so nice and I wish that their home didn't flood! They couldn't hear us because of all the fans they had on trying to dry the place! I showed them some of my sheep wool. I will post some pictures tomorow as a follow up on this post. They are on mom's computer. Sorry I was a slop. Good night. At least I have my MP3 player. I don't know if I like my guitar or my mp3 player better. Oh well. I need to go play guitar. I haven't played yet today! Dad likes it when I play it. Got to go. Bye.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Pain hurts! We all know what pain is. Today I have been hurt. Sleding I almost broke my neck because Josiah's friend pushed me over the edge where I didn't want to go. He didn't want to go down it too! I hurt my self with a pen and steped on a sharp thing! Little siblings like to leave things around for you to step on! How do they know were I will step? My siblings are so spoiled! Right now they are playing PS2 at this time of night! They have been playing a lot today! I haven't played for a hour! Josiah's friend didn't leave untill dark so we were doing out side work in the dark! This morning I fell out of bed and hit my poor head on my alarm clock. Josiah's friend made a big mess at the pump out side when he was getting a drink and I tripped over it. That really hurt! I don't mean to complane, but it hurts! When I first started this post I was in tears! Dad comes home to night. I don't know if mom will let us stay up or not, I bet so. But if she does let us stay up till dad gets home then she will send us to bed. Tomorrow is a busy day. A lot more will happen tomorrow so I will be able to post more. Like I said, pain hurts! Like when you stub your toe the heater that somebody forgot to put back! Now that really hurts! I will go now and try to keep living. I think dad is back! Yes. Bye and good night! Comment on pain please! Let me know how you feel.
I'm the kind of guy who dosen't like to be dirty or sit next to a dirty person. I mean like germs and sickness spreading everywhere! When people don't wash there hands or they lick their hands when making food! I just hate it! And then they go touch something like the computer keys when they didn't wash and then I go to touch the computers key and then you are sick! Or when you sneeze and you don't cover it and then its a mess everywhere! In fact I have my own bath room in the house. Its in the bassment and nobody wants to use it because they are scared of it. Sometimes dad will use it and that is OK. And when you go somewhere and find three month old food and you stick it in your mouth! (Matthais) Germs are everywhere! That is why I take lots of vitamin C and work out and eat food that is home made. Since I am a farm boy I face germs everyday like everyone eles. But my body as to face this everyday with taking care of the animals. If I fall in a cow pie and do not go in to wash for a while my body gets so used to it that it builds up a immune to it and I don't get sick next time that happens. This is some of the great things about being a farm boy. At one time mom thought we had a smaller case of the Swine Flue. We were able to deal with it like any other sickness. I don't know why I am so worried about germs. I guess I am just bored and waiting for mom to get of her computer. Some things I can do on my netbook somethings I can't. Bye
Friday, January 8, 2010
To all my readers. I am sorry that I have not posted for a while! I am more sorry for my self then I am for you because mom has been making me do writing work. If I blog a lot and a lot then that means less work. We have gotten snowed in again! Dad is stuck at home for a day or two untill the plows go by. But dad has a job that lets him work from home on his computer. So sometimes he is too busy to do anything. It has been so cold here! The other day it was over 30%F below zero! That is cold! If I had to chose to die from being so hot or freezing to death, I would chose to die of heat! I long for the heat! So does my dad! Last night we were sitting at the computer looking at all the pictures that we took in the Summer. The animals hate the cold to. But they are strong! They always seem to get through it! I will keep writing more often so that I don't have to do more work then needs to be done. I really don't know what to post about so I am posting this sorry post. I hope I can come up with something!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I saved a bunny!
This morning I saved my little sister's bunny. She got out of her cage last night when we came home in the dark if you reamber my last post. I did not see her first though. She was in the duck pen when I was taking care of them. Dad was the one who saw her. He did not give up hope! I was the one who got her! It really was a big deal because it was my little sister's bunny. Her last bunny died and she was so so sad! Her is a picture of her bunny. We have two black bunnys. This is my sister's and I have the other black one.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Kearney trip
Well it as I thought. Dad didn't buy the bale processor! But we did get the bunny! I will put a picture out soon. Dad did not buy it and I don't blame him. He saw it going down the road on the way there and said that it was junk. Oh well. The trip wasin't all wasted. We stoped at Walmart. The big black hole of doom. We got a lot of food and stuff that mom or dad would think was cool. I love the after chrismas sales. I don't buy much because I think I have all that I need. But some times I do buy somethings but not often. The trip was not bad is what I'm saying.
The milk cow Midnight is giving us so much cream right now that we are making butter. It is fun to make the butter but very hard on the hands. You have to turn it around and around and around! The winter is so hard on us all but harder on the animals. It is hard for them but they are strong. Soon it will be Spring and then they will all start having there babys. We still have a lot of snow on the ground and I think we will for a while. It is already late. We just got home and had to do all the chorses in the dark and that has made me tired. I think I will go to bed. Her is a picture of Midnight the cow that we are now milking.
The milk cow Midnight is giving us so much cream right now that we are making butter. It is fun to make the butter but very hard on the hands. You have to turn it around and around and around! The winter is so hard on us all but harder on the animals. It is hard for them but they are strong. Soon it will be Spring and then they will all start having there babys. We still have a lot of snow on the ground and I think we will for a while. It is already late. We just got home and had to do all the chorses in the dark and that has made me tired. I think I will go to bed. Her is a picture of Midnight the cow that we are now milking.
Road trips
Do day I think we are going to buy a bale processer. Dad really wants one to speed up the work of feeding the cows in the winter. The bale processer is in the town were we got most of our bunnys. When we went to get our bunnys before they lost one and couldn't find it. But they just found it and we are going to get it on the way to the bale processer dad wants. We just went to look at on last week and he didn't buy it! It was a 8 hour ride and he had to drag the whole family into it! Here is what I think will happen when we get there. Dad will look at it for about a hour and then he will say that he wants to sleep on it. Then he gets home all wondering if he should buy it or not. Then in the morning he will call and say that he don't want to buy it. Then when he hangs up he will sigh and say that he should of buyed it. Its the same thing every time! It was the same thing with the land he went to look and and the same with that old tractor! Oh well. When we are in the car I just like to bring my MP3 player or a really good book. Right now I am reading the Lord Of The Rings. It is good but very diffrent from the movie. Then tomorrow dad wants to run down to Kansas to buy a baler! Where is he planing on puting all this stuff! Its just all a part of the messing around on the Mess Around Ranch! I am very glad that I live here and glad that I don't live in the city! I like to go on the road a lot with dad. I have been to the East coast and the West coast with just me and dad. That is fun because that means no school! Today we just got back into school. We have had a very long break and are ready to get back! My favorite thing in school is history. I like history! In a couple of weeks we are going up to south dakota to see my grandpa. My grandma just died in december and we are all very sad. Grandpa is up on his farm with nobody to keep him company. That will be fun! Has you can see we sure do get around! I hope dad buys that bale processer
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Just another day...
To day was just another day at the mess around ranch. We went sledding in the pasture. It was fun! Until dad left us! He thought that we would want to stay longer and walk up. We didn't! We had to walk all the way up in the thick snow. And to top that off dad just got a new bull! We met up with him but we didn't give him any lip. We just went around the fence. When we got up we did the work and then went inside. By that time it was dark out.
A couple years back we had our basement flooded! Now its dripping some more water down there. But my dad is a man of many talents! He is working on it. He found out what was the problem and where it was coming from! He is a great dad!
Soon I will be a star! I am getting better at my electric guitar! I don't know if I will become a great rock star any time soon if not at all. I don't even think I want to by a great rock star. How do you go to the bath room in public? You walk in and everybody is like its him! That would not be an easy thing! But I am getting better. Day by day.
All of the animals hate the cold! So do I! I can't wait for Spring! Then I will have some sheep lambing! Since its so cold out I can't ride the horse Fancy. I don't think I will be able to ride her again until Spring! That is a sad thing.
I'm feeling much better then I did yesterday! I am very glad! But I am still tired! I will go to bed soon. I may be better but I'm still tired! I got to sleep in today and that was nice! You don't get to do that often! But tomorrow is a Monday and I think that means school. We have had a big break from it! I am a home schooled boy and I like it! To end this post I will put this funny video out with no bad words! No bad words! I just want to make that clear. Hope you like it!
A couple years back we had our basement flooded! Now its dripping some more water down there. But my dad is a man of many talents! He is working on it. He found out what was the problem and where it was coming from! He is a great dad!
Soon I will be a star! I am getting better at my electric guitar! I don't know if I will become a great rock star any time soon if not at all. I don't even think I want to by a great rock star. How do you go to the bath room in public? You walk in and everybody is like its him! That would not be an easy thing! But I am getting better. Day by day.
All of the animals hate the cold! So do I! I can't wait for Spring! Then I will have some sheep lambing! Since its so cold out I can't ride the horse Fancy. I don't think I will be able to ride her again until Spring! That is a sad thing.
I'm feeling much better then I did yesterday! I am very glad! But I am still tired! I will go to bed soon. I may be better but I'm still tired! I got to sleep in today and that was nice! You don't get to do that often! But tomorrow is a Monday and I think that means school. We have had a big break from it! I am a home schooled boy and I like it! To end this post I will put this funny video out with no bad words! No bad words! I just want to make that clear. Hope you like it!
electric guitar,
star wars
Saturday, January 2, 2010
first time altar server.

Tonight I was an altar server for the first time. It was OK I guess. It made the mass seem to go quicker. I had a few parts when I messed up. But it wasn't to bad. In two weeks my little brother Josiah will be doing it. I think that for my first time and only practicing once, I did well. I'm still feeling sick but not as sick as before. I hope I will wake up feeling better! To all my readers I am very sorry for posting some of the star wars video that had some bad words in it. I didn't do a very good job viewing them. I'm sorry and I won't let it happen again. Thanks for still reading my blog! I like being a altar server.
Cleaning up the puzzles
To day I feel very very sick, and tonight I have to be a alter server for the first time. But I feel sick and I don't know if I will go. I really want to go to church though. My CCD teacher is giving me prizes (Movie tickets) if I go to church every week and if I don't miss a CCD class. I woke up and had half a jelly donut. Then I went out side and did all the chores. I came in to find a huge mess of puzzle pieces. Little brothers. So I've been spending a good part of the morning picking up the mess. We have a lot of puzzles! It is taking a long time! Mom said no computer or TV till its all picked up. But we've been working on it for a long time so she is being nice and is giving me 15. Thanks mom! I hope I get better soon! Tonight. Josiah and Elijah are so nice! They helped me with a lot of the chores this morning! We each have our own share of the chores. But we also like to help each other out. They helped me a lot! Since I have been feeling sick I don't think I could of done it with out them. Thank you guys! I don't know what's going to happen tonight. I will ether go to church or not. I really want to go though. I have been taking a lot of vitamin C. I only have 15 minutes so I should check me email. Then I have to go and clean some more. They don't pay me enough. They don't pay me at all! But that's OK. Its all worth it! Thanks for reading!
alter server,
little brothers,
Friday, January 1, 2010
Muppets Video
This is a Muppets video. I don't know what you would call this video but just watch it and tell me what you think! Thanks! It's a little something that I can't think of. I can't place the right word.
Chad Vader Turkey Bowling
This is funny! Like I said before, I'm a big fan of Star Wars. Chad Vader is very funny. What do you think? Let me know. I hope you are liking my blog!
NOTE: This is Mom doing some editing and removing a few videos. Noah will try really hard to double-check his content before posting videos, or his blog will be short-lived.
NOTE: This is Mom doing some editing and removing a few videos. Noah will try really hard to double-check his content before posting videos, or his blog will be short-lived.

I used to really like Macgyver a lot and I still do a little. But This I really like! These Macgruver pepsi adds are funny! Let me know your favorite please! Sorry. I couldn't find the third one!
Wilkons Coffie
Wilkons Coffie. Its a really really old TV adds that are really really really funny. Everyone in my family thinks so! How about you? This is one of my favorite videos that I like to watch every now and again. I like to say that a lot. Let me know witch add is you favorite please!
Perpetuum Jazzile Africa
This is kind of a amazing video. Its kind of cool how they make all those sounds with no instruments! They almost have 7,000,000 views! Almost as much as the guys who wrote this song. I'm not saying that I love this song. Its just the ways these guys sing it that kind of make me want to watch it every now and again. The name Perpetuum Jazzile is a hard name to spell and find on youtube, when I do want to watch it. Here it is. Its kind of a cool video I think. You don't have to take my word for it though. Do comment. Thanks!
My bunny Rabbits

I also have two Rabbits. Shepherd and Mckay. Shepherd is the black one and Mckay is the gray one with the blue eyes. He is my favorite! Every kid in the family has there own bunny. I kind of share Shepherd with my little brother. This is a picture of my two Bunny's. They are so cute! I love my Shepherd and Mckay! They also love carrots!
Lego Star Wars Chrismas Video
I'm also a huge fan of Star Wars. My favorite movie is number 1. Here is a funny Lego Star Wars Chrismas video. Hope you like it!
Cute Jacob Sheep Video
This is a cute little video I found about Jacob sheep. Jacob sheep charge! Love it! How about you? Thanks for looking!
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