My sheep have been doing very well. Since my last post, we haven't had any new lambs. But we should have some more soon. They all look so close to lambing. You can tell when they are close to lambing when there udders start to fill up. They will also start to act diffrent. They may go away from the rest of the flock or not eat when the others do. Its so cool to wake up in the morning and go out side a see a new baby lamb on the ground.
I remember the very first lamb I ever had. I was going out to do chores early in the morning just like I always do. I walked by to check on the sheep and there was a cute little white lamb on the ground. It was so cute! And very strange. Jacob sheep are black and white and can have 2,4,6 and sometimes 8 horns! But they are not suppose to be only one complete color. I named her cupcake cause she was white like a cupcake. This was two years ago. I still have her today. She is going to lamb soon. She wasn't suppose to lamb at all! Because of her being all white, the white gene could pass on to all her babies Then I all I would have would be white sheep. But she broke out of the pen and got in with a ram. We will most likely eat her lamb. Even if the lamb was black and white like a real Jacob sheep, she would still have the white gene. Here are some more pictures of my sheep. I can't wait for more lambs!
The sheep aren't the only ones who will be having babies this spring. My little brother Josiah has goats! They haven't had any babies yet, but hopfully they will have them soon! We are going to milk them for a few months. Are milking cow is taking a rest until she has her calf. Until then we will milk the goats. Josiah has to milking goats and one Piggmy goat. The Piggmy goat is the goat that got us into all of this. First a goat them a pig them sheep then bunnys and more goats! Here is a picture. Can't wait for them to kid. By the way, a baby goat is called a kid.
Elijah's pigs are doing great! Elijah is so happy! He named his pigs Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. (From the lord of the rings movie) The baby pigs are still about the same size and are getting nicer. I think Elijah will do a great job at the fair this year. I just wanted to put some quick picturers out there of them. Just so you could remember how cute they are.
I wish it was spring! So do the ducks. We all have our own breed of ducks. My breed of ducks are Khaki Campbells. They are brown ducks who are great egg layers. The ducks are fine as always. I'm just putting out a picture.
The puppys are doing great! They are getting so big now! Its hard to pick them up! Its just so much fun to go out in the mornings to let them out and play with them. They will be waiting by the gate wagging there tails and jumping up on the fence. You open the door and then there gone. Every dog loves to run! The other two dogs we have love to play with them. They always are having races around the house. Its a lot of fun to watch. Maybe I should show one of them this year at the fair. I should ask dad about that. Each year dad helps out with the dog show at the fair. Maybe he will know something about it. Anyway. Here's some pictures of them. This post is full of pictures!
Sorry. It was really hard to get a good picture! They just kept moving!
Today mom orderd baby chicks in the mail. They will get here March 22. We already have a lot of chickens, but we need a few more extra roosters for fair time. I will have something to post about then. Hopfully I will be done lambing by then. Its just one thing after the other here at the mess around ranch. To end this post, here is a picture of one of my chickens and my turkey Tom. Thanks for reading this post!

Nice pictures! I especially like the picture of Kayla's lamb in the hay feeder -- so cute!
ReplyDeleteDid we decide that "Tom" turkey is a she, or are we still up in the air about that?! LOL...I think we may need to change her name, although since I have a cow named Norman...maybe not. :)
ReplyDeleteThem are really nice St. Bernard pups. I really like St. Bernards dogs. My family use to have one, she was a very good dog.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are really bussy there at the Mess around ranch, tell your brothers I said keep up the good work, you guys are hard workers. I'll bet your Mother and Father are VERY proud of you!!
Good luck and be safe!
Execllent pictures!! What else can I say.
ReplyDeletePictures are worth a 1000 + words. Good shoots.