Thursday, March 11, 2010

I don't have a title.

All has been going well at the Mess Around Ranch since my last post.I have had two more sheep lamb.

Yesturday my brother Josiah's sheep had two twin girls. He is very happy. Each year I give my brothers there own sheep for helping me so much. We still have a lot of more sheep to lamb. There are ten lambs on the ground right now. I have had three sets of twins. (Twins are very common in Jacob sheep) All together I have had seven sheep that lambed so far. I do not have a picture of Josiah's new lamb yet. But I do have a picture of the new lamb we got this morning.

So cute! We just got him today. But I don't know if its a girl or a boy yet. I haven't even put them in a lambing pen yet. I can't catch the lamb! He won't let me get near him! He just starts to run around the hey feeder that we have in the pen. You put the new mothers and there lambs in the lambing pen for a few days so that they can get used to each other. I might not have to put this one in. I have seen it suck five times. Its up and about and doing fine. I have a lot of sheep!

This weekend is going to be busy. (Like most weekends are) Today Lilli has a 4-H clover work shop at 1:00. I don't know when it ends though. Dad's at the docter right now getting a check up. I don't know when he will be back. Tomorrow Me and Josiah have a 4-H work shop. We are going to be learning about editing pictures and stuff. I'm not quite sure what we will be doing. It should be fun. I like taking pictures, so it should be fun. All the pictures of the sheep that are on my blog were taken by me.

So far we have gotten are history done. History is our favorite thing to do! We all do it together in the family room. We do a lot of things as a family. My birth day is coming up in less then a month! I will be 13 years old. All the wonderful things I will be able to do when I'm 13. I will be able to join Facebook and Twitter and dad said he would take me to a Rodney Atkins consert. Speaking of dad, he just got back.

I'm sorry. Everybody is running around all over the place. When I blog, It sometimes takes me 30 minutes or more. I know how to spell and type. I just need the time to think. Sometimes I can't even hear my own thoughts.

I guess I should go. Mom prouble wants me to do more school work. Dad said something about running to town sometime and getting something I know nothing about. I'm going to go find out what he needs to get and why he has to drag me into it. See ya.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Timber Creek kid,
    It looks like things are going well for you guys.
    I'm happy to see lambing is going good for you this year, hey no bottle lambs...that's a good thing.
    Spring is coming so is the Sun and really nice warm weather, I hope you have a nice and safe summer.......take care.

    Cool Dude!
    PS: what did your Father drag you into this time?
