Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Weird dream.

I'm going to talk about the really weird dream I had last night.

I was all grown up driving around in my car when suddenly I fell off the road. Then I just kept falling and falling for the rest of my dream. I woke up when I hit the ground. I almost fell out of bed too.

Its funny what one can dream about. Some times I go to bed thinking of elephants and I will dream about hippos. I think that dreams is a way to sort of another place where you can make all your dreams come true. If you are able to control your dreams. ( Most of the time I can not.)You can do anything you want. Dreams can sort of be fun. Depends on what your dreaming about. But what about nightmares? I don't get why sometimes I have a good dream and other times I have a really scary painful dream. Maybe I get nightmares because I worry to much. I try to live fun and fancy free. But if something is scaring me, Like going to bed knowing there's a lost lamb out side, that will give me night mares. I don't really know why I am talking about dreams. But I have to post every day and now is the time to blog when nobody else is awake.

I don't think I told the story of what happened a week ago. It was Good Friday, everybody went to church that night. We got home and everybody was going in the house. But then I heard one of my sheep crying. So I grabbed a flash light and went into the sheep pen to see what was the matter. I counted all the sheep 3 times! I knew that one was missing. So I went in to tell mom and dad. And guess what. Nobody believed me! But dad and Josiah came out side to look just in case. They looked in and out of the sheep pen. And they didn't believe me! Well, dad doesn't know the sheep like I do. So he didn't really know one was missing. He thought it was lying down somewhere safe. So then they said go to bed. I walked up the stairs with tears in my eyes knowing that my lamb was missing and that nobody believes me. I woke up next morning filled with happiness when I went out side. Very fain there was a lamb crying by the goat pen. Me and Josiah ran over there to see what it was. Sure enough, it was the missing lamb. Then dad came over there to see what we were doing. He was very, very amazed. Wow Noah, I guess you were right. You really do know your sheep. Mom was surprised too. So I took it back to the sheep pen hoping that it would find the mother. And it did. I was so glad that my sheep didn't die.

So the next time your kid or best friend needs something. And you really don't believe, you got to. Who knows what will happen if you don't. Seeing is believing. But first you got to believe! I am still feeling a little sick. I am going to go eat something and then do chores. Thanks for reading this post.

The Timber Creek Kid.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Timber Creek Kid,

    I'm thinking next time your Dad and Mom should listen a little better to you. I beleve you know your sheep. Take care.

    Cool Dude!
