Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Up coming week end.

This week end I am going on a small trip with one of my friends in Ceder Rapids. I will be gone from home over night and all day saturday. That means I will be able to miss some of the chores! We are going to some camping park by lincoin NE.We are going to Mahoney park. I think it will be fun. Today dad is going to build a work bench in our room. I share a room with two of my younger brothers. Josiah and Elijah. We all have our own twin beds. We also have a TV in our room! But we don't really use it that much. I am sad to say that this morning one of our bunnys got out again. This time it was Sheperd. The black rabbits are so hard to see in the dark! The last rabbit that got out I posted about. It was also black. But we found her alive. This one wasin't so lucky. The black rabbits are so hard to see in the dark! We will have to look more carfully next time. But I won't let there be a next time! I think we might run to town later today. I am not yet sure though. Things around here can change really quickly! We need to get some more rabbit food. We just ran out this morning. It is really starting to get warm again. Yesterday dad rode the horse. He says he will do it again today. I think I might want to ride too! Yesterday we cleaned above the microwave. It has been months sence the last time we cleaned it out! It is fun because of all the cool things you can find! Josiah and Elijah found a two radios and a mp3 player! I can not even start to list all the stuff we found. So I won't. I will just say we found a lot of cool stuff! Last night we were in our room. Instead of sleeping we were listening to our mp3 players! But we didn't listen to long. Today I have CCD again! It has been so long! Today Josiah is going to learn to be a alter server. He serves this saturday! Well, dad is back in the house and I think we are going to build out bench! We were going to do it months before but it didn't happen. I am going to go help him out. I also have to watch the door so that the little ones don't go into our room. Our lock broke. But I made a new one out of a screw, a 9 volt battery some black tape, some string, and a hair pin! The brothers think that we have a better lock then before! Dad is ready! Got to go. Hope you liked reading this post!


  1. sounds interesting! please post pictures of the desk when your done!

  2. Wow. That lock sounds complicated! Have fun on your camping trip!

  3. Great Job on the Blogging !!

  4. I really like reading your blogs. I think you are a great writer. The lock sounds very interesting.
