Saturday, January 23, 2010


We just got back from church. We don't really go to Saturday night church a lot. But since we dad won't be here tomorrow morning we all went as a family. I alter served again. I didn't mean to but nobody eles was there. I like alter serving.. It makes the mass go fast! I also will like not having to wake up early tomorrow to go to church. I will be able to sleep in. But I have to milk to cow. It's Josiah's cow but sometimes he gets a break. I hope he enjoys his break!

I am good at my guitar now. Its like I wake up and bam! I am good. I can play a few songs... A lot of songs! All by ear. No book! I wish dad would get his guitar out and play with me. I know he is busy and all, but it would be nice to have 20 minutes or so. If not, that's fine. Its just fun to spend some father son time. Dad took us bowling yesturday and we had a blast! I haven't been bowling in a long time! I got the first strike of the night! But the one thing that was a little annoying, a lot annoying was this little kid that was there. The bowling place was owned by a family business that had a little two year old who kept coming over to our table and drinking out drinks and eating our food! That food was not cheap! They need to control her a little better or they won't have such good business. We had fun. Which is a good thing.

I think I know what I want for my birth day. An iPod. I woke up this morning feeling like there wasn't a thing in the world I didn't want or need. Its all uncle Quints fault. We were talking on Skype and he showed off his really cool iPod. It had everything! I want one just like it! I can't wait for my birth day. Then I can get a iPod, and a Facebook. Really I just want my mom and dad to let me buy a iPod with my own money.

I got to go and find something that I guess I lost. I think this is a long enough post. I hope so. It beats having to do a writing page of school work. Also I am tired and I want to play a little more guitar before bed. Talk to you all later! Good night!

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job serving tonight!

    If you want your blog to replace some of your writing assignments, you need to do a better job of proofreading your spelling, punctuation, and grammar, my dear. :)
