Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I saved a bunny!

This morning I saved my little sister's bunny. She got out of her cage last night when we came home in the dark if you reamber my last post. I did not see her first though. She was in the duck pen when I was taking care of them. Dad was the one who saw her. He did not give up hope! I was the one who got her! It really was a big deal because it was my little sister's bunny. Her last bunny died and she was so so sad! Her is a picture of her bunny. We have two black bunnys. This is my sister's and I have the other black one.


  1. Good job! You were really a hero to your little sister.

    I think it would be great if you'd pay a little more attention to your spelling when you post. :) I sure do enjoy reading your blog!

  2. oh Lilli's last bunny died that's so sad.
