Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sheep lambs

My sheep are lambing. We are just getting started. So far I have had four sheep that have had lambs. I have six lambs on the ground. My sheep are the kind of sheep that can have twins. I just wanted to post some pictures of them out to keep my blog updated. I still have 14 more to lamb. Each year my flock gets bigger! I have a feeling that there will be more lambs on the ground tomorrow. We are going to run out of pens! When a new lamb is born you put it in its own small pen with the mother away from the flock for a few days. Dad keeps thinking they are all going to lamb at once. But I don't think that is going to happen. I will put more pictures out as soon as I get more lambs. They are so cute!


  1. Beautiful lambs! You're doing a great managing your flock. I hope the rest of lambing goes as well as the start.

  2. Really nice lamb pictures, good to hear it's going well for you. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures and reading more about what's going on at Messaround ranch.
    Be safe and good luck, have a fun Spring time.

