Saturday, February 27, 2010

Funny youtube video.

This is a funny video. I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I will post a big post tomorrow. But we just got back from church and I needed to put something out quick. I don't have the video but I have a link. If you click on it I swear you won't regreat it! Me, and my brothers and mom are all laughing out loud. Don't worry. Its OK for all ages. My mom says so. I will post something else tomorrow. Here's the link!

Have a good laugh!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Busted, with Garaffes and Elephants.

It happens to everyone! Your keeping a deep dark secret that you don't want anyone to know about and then bam! Somebody knows about it. I wasin't keeping a deep dark secret that I didn't want anyone to know about. I was just keeping a secret that I didn't want mom to know about.

We all keep secrets right? Of course we do! Everybody has there own little secrets that they keep to themselfs or share with a friend. It could be buying a soda with out asking your parents or breaking a lamp and hiding it under the bed hoping nobody will see it. Me, Josiah and Elijah all love playing poker. We're boys, Its in our nature! For the past couple weeks we have been having late night poker games. Last night we we're going in to our club house in our room to play when mom came in and busted us. Now, the reason that we didn't want mom to know was because we were playing with real money. Now, come on, were brothers! We don't like to cheat each other. We only play with pennys and nickles. Maybe I dime every now and then, when you have a good hand and you really think you are going to win. We don't always play poker in the middle of the night. We like to play in the day time when we can. But its hard when you have sibblings who like to be there with you. Sibblings that want to play like there big brothers! But now that we're busted we won't be playing any more poker in the middle of the night, or with money. Money just makes the game more interesting! what's the point if there's no reward in winning. And we never lose that much. Most of the time we give everybody's money back. But mom doesn't like it non the less.

Our animals are daring! They want to make the most of life, be daring, live live on the edge! For example, our chickens, they love to ride my dad's bull all around the pen!

This morning I get up, get dressed, and get ready to go do chores. The side door was iced shut and wouldn't open, so we had to use the other door. ( Mom hates it when we use this door. ) But we had no other choise. Anyway, we go out side to do chores and there I see, in the bull pen, at least 6 chickens riding the bull. They we're on his back as he was standing up and moving around! Now chickens are born being great at balancing. They have really good grip in there feet.

When people hear the words: They get along like cats and dogs! They think, they must not get along very well! Not at the Mess Around Ranch! Our animals get along like Peanut butter and honey! They dogs will go over to the hay and take a nap, and then the cats will come to join them! They cats will get right up the our dog Marry and lie down right on her! And Marry will just lay there and do nothing.

We have so many animals here at the Mess Around Ranch. But why do we have so many animals? Where did they all come from? What started it? The answer, is Josiah's piggmy goat.

For over 2 years my little brother wanted to get a goat. Mom and dad didn't really know anything about goats and they thought that Josiah would change his mind and not want goats. They were wrong. Josiah waited 2 years learning about goats and asking mom and dad when he was going to get a goat. This was before we had sheep or the pig or bunnys or turkeys or even ducks! All we had was one milk cow and a few chickens. They day we got Marry goat is a day I will never forget! After that Elijah wanted a animal of his own. His own species. He wanted a pig, and he got his wish! Then I wanted to get a species of my own! Sheep. I waited a long time. I didn't just want any kind of sheep, I wanted a special kind of  breed of sheep. After looking for a long time I came down to two breeds of sheep. Of the two I chose Jacob sheep. But the closest sheep for sale was all the way out on the west coast! I could see it was going to be a long time until I would get my sheep. But them one day we found a someone who was selling all her Jacob sheep for cheap! They were only about 4 hours away. I talked to mom and dad. ( Mainly dad cause he has the money. ) And they said yes! So we all went up to get the sheep.

I have had my Jacob sheep for two years! In one month they will lamb. After I got my sheep then we got bunnys for Matthas and Lilli. And then we got more and more cows. And then just last year dad came across three milking cows for a great price! As you can see, this really is the one and only Mess Around Ranch. It all started with a boy and a little piggmy goat. Who knows what will come next?! Will it will be next? Will it be Giraffes, or Elephants?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Past weeks up date.

I lot has happend in this past week here at the mess around ranch.

Last week dad took us swiming again. The whole family went swiming. I am a pretty good swimer. I will go out all the way to 7 foot and jump in. I can float on my back, tread water, and pick up rings at the bottom. The one thing that I hate about swiming is when you first get in the pool. Its so cold at first! Some of the time we will just hop in with out a second though. We get in and start shouting how cold it is! I think swiming is a very fun sport. I also think that everybody should take the time to learn how to swim. You never know when you might have to get wet. If you know how to float, you should be Ok.

Every family has to make decisions right? They have to decide how much they want to pay on the gas bill each month. They have to decide if they are going to get that car loan or not, and they need to decide which road to take to work!

My dad got up this morning at 4:30 to go to work like he always does. He gets ready to go to work and tells mom good bye. And as he walks out the door. He fails to hear her say which roads not to take. My dad got stuck in the for 2:30 hours this morning because he didn't hear mom. Us Spagnottis like to take short cuts if possible, especially dad. He wanted to take the quickist roads to get to work. I don't really see why he would want to get to work so bad. He says he would rather stay home then go to work. But quick isn't always best. Anyway, he got stuck in the ditch for a long time and had to have to plow come and get him back. He's always telling us that he never eats the ditch. I guess that he isn't always right. No ones always right dad! Dad was able to get out of the ditch and was able to get to work. But he was late.

If you want to get a puppy you will need to give it lots of care. But if your going to get two puppys, you better know what your getting your selfs into! For about 3 weeks we have had two new animals on the farm. Our S.B puppys Susan and Lucy. If you saw my first post on them you saw the cute picture of them. They have been doing well on the farm, but they keep getting out of there pen! We keep them by the duck pen so they can get to know the ducks. But they won't stay in the pen. We let them out to play when we are doing chores and let them run around and play have fun. I don't know why they keep getting out. I few nights age we didn't put them away until late, we went out and we couldn't find them. We looked all over the place but didn't see the puppys. Then we looked in there kennel and there they were. So we shut the door and wired it up and then they started crying. You know, the sound puppys make when they get sad or scared. They were in there sleeping with the kennel door open, and then we close it and they get all sad. I guess just knowing that they could walk out and be free was a nice feeling for them. Its not nice to be traped in a kennel. We let them run a lot and give them lots of love and care everyday. They also get along great with our other two dogs, Marry and Abby. Its so much fun to watch them play.

I have to go and work on school work. School work has been going well for me. History is my favorte thing to do. I like having my parents for teachers. I'm not quite done with todays school yet, I still have to do history. I better go and do that now.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

another cold sleepless day.

So far today I have hurt my finger and stubbed my toe. I have gotten bit in the but twice by the goats. And its freezing cold out!

It seems that its the same thing every day! You never know what's going to happen at the mess around ranch! Everyday its something diffrent. Today I was woke up by Josiah, Elijah and Mattias. Elijah had my alarm clock. Mattais had a shaker at my head and Josiah kept yelling at my head to wake up! the day before the day before that Josiah spooked me and I fell out of bed! Two nights ago when I was trying to sleep I couldn't cause mom was playing music down stairs! I have very good ears when it comes to music. She was playing a Rascal Flatts CD. I could make out every word in the songs. Last night has been the worst night yet! Josiah and Elijah kept snoring so loud! Elijah would snore and then take a break. Has he was taking his break Josiah would snore. Then Elijah. I know this because I went up to there face to check if they were pulling my leg. They were really asleep! I think I am the only one on the farm that doesn't get good sleep! I need my sleep. If you don't have you health then you don't have nothing! Oh well. What are you going to do about it? Nothing. I just am used to living with it.

Dad gets home tonight. I bet we will be in bed before he gets back. But that doesn't mean we will be asleep! Last time he came home late and we were in bed we all went down stairs to see him. We wish dad could work closer to home and be home all the time. He says it maybe a while until he can quite his job. Or get fired. I think he will get fired before he quites! Dad got a electric guitar for his birth day. This week I hope we get a chance to play together. Dad's busy a lot. He has to feed his cows and work and tractors or other things. He's thinking about buying some more cows. That would be fine with me. The thing I love most about dad's cows are when they calf. But that won't be for a while.

We had to milk again today. The thing I love about milking is what I get in reward. I don't mind milking now and then. But me and Josiah have about taken over all the milking! We have just switched to milking every other day. So the day after tomorrow I will most likely have to milk. I'm going to end this post and go play with my sibblings. I think they need me. They do need me. Moms working on the computer and needs us to be some where else. OK mom.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Last week we all went to Omaha to the Henry Doorly Zoo. We got to stay over night on a fancy hotel with a in door swiming pool. The beds were great! And the view was nice! I always like to give the hotels I stay in a rating. I would give this a 4 star rating. Only for stars because the pool was closed! They didn't even tell us. We were all mad and sad. Lilli was in tears. Dad went up to the front desk and talked with the manger. They said they could take down the road to another pool but dad said no. Instead we dad took us to the family fun center. I think we had more fun there then we would of had swiming. We got back to the hotel very late at night. We left mom and the two little ones there. We didn't get to bed until so late! But that doesn't mean we went to sleep! We had to share a room with Lilli and Mattias. Lilli kept talking and talking and talking! But lucky for us we had are secret tool. We had out mp3 players all the way up! I didn't get to sleep until 12:30. And if that was bad I had to wake up very early to go to the zoo. Me and mom had some 4-H zoo training. The rest of the family went to the zoo but they had to come home early and do all my chores! But they didn't do a good job. The hose was on the puppys were out The bull didn't have any water. But other then that they did fine.

All the animals are doing just fine. In less then a month we will have baby sheep and goats on the ground. That will be great! I love taking care of all the animals on the farm. The only thing that I could live with out is not taking care of the dad's bull. He has it up at the house all the time now and I have to take care of it. He drinks a lot of water! I guess I don't mind but he's up here 10 months out out of the year! Summer is a great time to take care of the chores but in the cold hard winter all the animals water jugs freeze and then you have to take it out and fight with it. That's the big pain with animals if you ever want to get them. It will be the middle of june and you will want something to do so you will get some sort of animal say, a donkey. Its easy in the summer but then when the first winter snow comes it gets harder to take care of it.

Well, I have to go. Guess who has to milk again today. That's right! Me. I don't mind that much because when we milk we get the reward of playing pirate game on the computer. So its worth it. I need to blog more often then I do. bye.